
Eveready Black Cat 9 Lives, bounces back.

Exiide Drydex (Chloride Batteries) catalogue cat 1950s
Chloride Batteries

The White Cat : De Witte Kat
Witte Kat History
Batterijenfabriek van Herberhold

Tudor batteries cat









Vintage Battery Equivalents

Airline, Willard, Ever Ready / BEREC, Eveready / Union Carbide / NCC/ Black Cat / UCAR, Vidor, Exide Drydex, RCA, Zenith, Varta / Pertrix, Siemens, G.E.C., Burgess, General, Lissen, Dome, Witte kat (batterijenfabriek C. Herberhold), Oldham, Ray-o-vac, Pile Wonder, Hydra, Mazda, Philco, Silvertone, DEAC, Diamon, Superpila, Hellesens, Flying Bomb, Saft, Tudor.

Modern Battery Equivalents

GP (Gold Peak), Renata, Sanyo, Toshiba, Sony, Panasonic, Energiser / Eveready, Duracell, Rayovac, Saft,  Varta, Wonder, Superpila, Uniross, Kodak, Yuasa.

Battery / Cell Types

LT / "A" (1.5V to 12V), HT/"B" (22.5V to 200V), Grid/"C" (4.5V to 18V) as cells, batteries and combo packs.

Transistor Power Packs (4.5V to 12V)

Instrument / Test batteries

Lamp / Bell / Flag / Torch / Motor batteries and Cells Lead Acid / Accumulators and simulated replacements 2V, 4V, 6V


F, D, C, B, AA, AAA, AAAA, N,  Alkaline, Silver Oxide, Zinc Air replacements for Mercury buttons and NiMH replacements for DEAC/NiCd cells.

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Hellesens Batteries Tiger
1887 – 2005 Founded by Wilhelm Hellesen

Modern stuff

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For Vintage Battery Radio etc.

  • 2V, 4V and 6V Lead Acid LT types with 22.5V to 200V HT (1921 to 1950 models)
  • All Dry 1.2V & 1.4V parallel, 25mA & 50mA series (1938 to 1961 Models)
  • Transistor types using obsolete and "hard to find" batteries (1950s to 1980s)

Understanding development of Battery Radio

Originally all Radios used batteries for two mainreason, one that few people had mains electricity and secondly thevalves (tubes) used direct filaments, so any mains hum would be amplified. From the late 1920s  valves with insulated heaters and a separate cathode became available for mains radio. But up to the 1950s "table radios" (USA called them Farm Radios) were available with battery operation for people without mains Electricity, mostly using Lead Acid (rechargable accumulator, charged maybe once a week at the cycle shop or garage).

From the late 1920s fully self contained battery sets made to be portable or at least easily transportable were developed.

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Brands of Radio using Batteries in 1920s .. 1930s:

Amato, Broadcasting Radio, Ericsson, Hekaphon,
Aeonic, Beethoven, Eumig, Hornyphon, Inglen, Jacobi, Kaptsch,
Leopolder, Minerva, Otag, Radione, Reinklang, Schrack, Siemens, Sindag,
Sommer, Technica, Tesig, AWA, UDL, De Forest, Northern Electric,
Victor,  Stewart Warner, Carma, Ducrest, Favarger, Resa,
Reymond, Sima, Televox, Vega, Zellweger, ETA, KNN, Radiofona, Radion,
Radioslav, Radiovox, Telegrafia, Telektra, Zenit, AEG, Aeriola,
Birgfeld, Blaupunkt, Brant, Daimon, Dera, Dreistern, ESW, EWG, Phönix,
Fernfunk, Huth, Isaria, Koch, Kramolin, Lindstrom, Lorentz, Lumophon,
Ges, Reico, Mende, Nora, Mars, Milophon, Monette, Radiola, Ratag, SABA,
Schaub, Schroeder, Seibt, Tefag, Telefunken, Wega, Creo, EAG, Ducretet,
Gamma, Grandin, Hilva, Hurn, Kenotron, Laporte, Lemouzy,
Gaumont,  Merlaud, Radiomuse, SFER, Snap, Stanislas, Vitus,
AJS, Brandes, KB, Kolster Brandes, BTH, Clarke, Clearton,
Cosmos,  Eddystone, Edison, Bell, Ediswan, Fellows, Gamage,
GEC, Marconi, Igranic, Graves, Lissen, Warren, Pye, Lincoln, Ever
Ready, McMichael, Burgoyne Wireless, RCA, Burndept, Philips, Vidor,
Ready Radio, Mohawk, ATEC, Air-way, Air-ola, Aerodyne, Adams-Morgan
(AMCO), AC Dayton, Adler-Royal, Aladyne / Aladdin,
A&M,  Amrad, Amber / Marve-O-Dyne, Amerex, AMBU,
Etherphone, Electrola / ASCo., Harmo-Sonic / Amplex Instruments, Apex,
Andrews, Atwater Kent, Astral, Audiodyne / Audiola, Sylfan / Barker
Smith, Hubco, Barnett Lloyd, Barty, Trinity / Beacon Radio, Beavertone
/ Beaver Electric, Beckley-Ralston, Petite / Ben Radio, Benler, Melody
/ Better Radio, Transcontinental / Betts & Betts, Biltmore,
Blair Radio, Blue Seal, Boissonnault,  Bosworth
Electric,  Brandola / Brandeis, Hetrola / Branston, Braun,
Brenard, Bruno, Buckeye, Bronx, Brunelli, Browning-Drake, Ray-o-dyne /
Brown Radio, Brunswick, Buckingham, Caladyne, Carloyd / Malone Lemon,
Champion, Chelsea Radio, Monarch, Radack / Clapp-Eastham, Goldcrest
Clearodyne (Clear-O-Dyne) / Cleartone Radio, Supertone / Cleveland AA
Co., Colonial Radio, Columbia, Arborphone / Consolidated Radio,
Cosmopolitan Phusiformer, Crescentyne / Crescent Radio, Crosley Radio,
Day-Fan/Dayton Fan / Daycraft, DeWitt, Diamond T. Radio,
Dimmock-Bogart, Distantone, Diva Radio, Duck Co, Eagle Radio / Eaglet,
Ufonic / Echophone, Elgin / Reinartz, Claratone / Equitable Radio,
Electrical Research,  Eveready (NCC),  Fada,
Pfanstiehl / Fan Steel / Balkeit / First National, Farmers Wireless /
Aurodyne, Federal Radio / Orthosonic / Ortho-Sonic, Ferguson Radio,
Freed-Eisemann, Freshman / C. A. Earl / Masterpiece, Garod
Radio,  General Radio / GenRad, Sears, Gilfillan, Duodyne /
Globe Electric,  Grebe / Synchrophase, Grimes, Guthrie /
Nightingale, Harmonson / Harmon & Sons, Hartman Electrical, HFL
/ High Frequency Laboratories,  Howard Radio, Hyman Henry,
Imperial Radio, Hyperdyne / Indiana Mfg. & Elec, IRC /
International Radio / Kadette / International All Wave, Aristocrat /
Irving Radio, Jewett, Jones Radio, Wavemaster / Kellogg
Switchboard,  Kennedy Co / Globe Trotter,  Keystone
Radio, Kolster, King Manufacturing / King-Buffalo / King-Hinners,
Triangle-Electric (TECO) / Klitzen Radio, Kodel,  Elkay /
Langbein-Kaufman, Norden-Hauck / Leutz / EIS, Langham Radio and
many others.


1940s .. 1950s with Lead Acid LT cell(s):

Aerodyne, Alba / A. J. Balcombe, Amplion, Brunswick, Bush, Cameo, Cossor, Co-Op / Defiant, Concord, Dansette, Decca, Denco, Dynatron,  Ekco, Emerson, Etronic, Ever Ready,  Ferguson, Ferranti, Fidelity, GEC, Halcyon Wireless,  HMV / His Masters Voice (EMI), Invicta  (Pye),  Kolster Brandes (KB), Lissen, Marconi / Marconiphone (EMI), Master Radio,  McMichael, Mullard (Philips), Murphy,  Philco, Philips, Pilot, Pye, Rees-Mace, Ultra, Vidor,
Civilian Utility Receiver, Whiteley, Admiral, Airking, Allied Radio, Andea, Belmont, Crosley, Detrola, Dewald, Emerson, Fada, Farnsworth, Gamble-Skogmo / Coronado, Garod, GE, Goodtear, Hamilton, lafayette, Majestic Radio, Mission Bell, Montgomery Ward / Airline,  Motorola, Philco,  RCA, Sears-Roebuck / Silvertone, Sentinel Radio, Spiegel, Watterson Radio, Wilcox-Gay,  Zenith, AEG, Becker, Blaupunkt, Brant, Braun, Dreipunkt, Edly, Graetz, Herold, Lortentz, Magnophon, Mende, Nora, Schaub, Seibt, Siemens, Tefag, Telefunken, Wega, Allo, Ariane, Brunet, Ducrelet, Laly,  Papyrus-Radio, Amroh, Erres, NSF, Ridderhof, Siera, Waldorp and many others.


1938 .. 1961 "All Dry" Radio:

Ace, Alba / A. J. Balcombe, Amplion, Argosy,
Beethoven, BEREC (Ever Ready), Brighton Radio / Concord Electronics,
Bridisco, Burgoyne Engineering, Brunswick (Decca), Bush,
Champion,  Lissen, Ever Ready, Grundig, HMV / His Masters
Voice (EMI), Invicta, Hermes, Jason Kits, Kolster Brandes (KB). Lissen,
Marconi / Marconiphone (EMI),  McMichael, Philco, Philips, PAM
(Pamphonic, Pye), Peto Scott, Premier Pye, Roberts, Rees-Mace, Romac,
Strad / R. M. Electric, Stella (Philips), Ultra, Vidor, Admiral,
Autocrat Radio, Belmont, Crosley, Coast to Coast / Musicaire, Detrola,
Goodrich / Mantola, Goodyear, Golden Tone / Griffen/Smith,
Hallicrafters, Knight / Allied Radio, Fada, Firestone, GE, Lafayette,
Mid West Radio / Miraco, Majestic Radio & TV, Montgomery Ward /
Airline, Motorola, Mission Bell, Parker McCrory / Parmak, Pathe,
Philmore, Pilot, RCA, Sears-Roebuck / Silvertone, Setchell / Doraphone,
Sonora Radio, Sparks-Withington / Sparton, Spiegel Inc. / Continental,
Stewart-Warner / Ferrodyne, Sentinel Radio, Travler/Trav-Ler Karenola,
United Motors / Delco, Warwick / Templeton, Walgreen / Aetna,
Wells-Gardner / Truetone, Western Auto / Truetone, Westinghouse,
Zenith, Zephyr, Akkord, Metz, Telefunken, Radione, Schaub-Lorenz,
Supersonic, Acer, Amplix, Cibbot, Ciref, Clement,  Central
Radio, Comptoir MB Radio, Creor, Electronik, Etherlux,
General-Radio,  Le Régional, Mabel, Papyrus-Radio, Parinor,
Pizon, Pygmy, Radiobois, Radio Marino, Radio Toucour, Radio Test, Radio
L.L. / SAEDR, Radio Voltaire, Reela, RLC, Scouty, Sonora, Technifrance,
Amroh, Siera and many others.

1950s .. 1970s Transistors:

Channel Radio, Grundig, Roberts, Hacker, Monogram,
PAM (Pamphonic, Pye), Perdio, Philips, Pilot, Portadyne, Ever Ready,
Pye, RGD, Radio Rentals / Baird, Sobell, Sinclair, Teletron, Ultra,
Vidor and many others.